Tuesday 16 March 2010

Sunday 14 March 2010

Both on line and physical space manipulate and control our movement for commercial profit and personal gain.

Exploring landscape and how environment effect and controls our movement and actions. I mapped out over two maps a scale version of Amy Johnson’s record breaking flight from England to Australia in 1930, one through Chelmsford town and one through surrounding countryside. I followed the maps as closely as possible leaving on my way pieces of paper with things I had written on a social networking site in the last year.
I hoped to discover physical and mental restrictions and boundaries in our movement and how we conduct ourselves in commercial space.

In this blog are some of the photos I took during my two walks and some of the notes I left behind.

A book of this blog is available from blurb.com, please follow the link below

I've been tring to pack for three hours now and so far all i have is a shirt and a pair of jeans... that'l do.

£46! damm

I love acrylic paint. acrylic paint and whiskey.

Not sure what I can do tonight that gonna top last night? Damm

Monsters still taste like soap.

I want to be back by the sea.

...I need a drink.

I'm not having a constructive morning.

I really want some of them big fluffy yeti boots. i really dont know why?

I give up.

I need an escape plan.

Only thirteen days to go.

I'm thinking less hair more wigs.

Hooray for special brew.

Im in the mood for rum, art and mischief ... or dose whiskey go better with art and mischief?... dilemmas.

One day you’ll come round to my way of thinking... and then you’ll start winning prizes.